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Pikesville Revitalization Action Plan Takes Shape

Bryen Glass

April 27, 2022

New Benches on Reisterstown Road

I am proud to see the Pikesville Revitalization Action Plan starting to take shape. For example, 22 benches were recently installed on Reisterstown Road, between the I-695 Beltway and the County-City line.

During my first term in office, we have fought hard to bring new amenities and other improvements to our business hubs and neighborhoods. In turn, I believe these resources have provided our residents and businesses with a strong sense of place and feeling of community.

In the current fiscal year, our office successfully worked to have more than $250,000 allocated for streetscape improvements along the Reisterstown Road commercial corridor.

But we know that we have much more work to do, which is why I am looking forward to additional funding, support, community input and action in the upcoming fiscal year.

Many thanks to Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski and the Department of Planning for your partnership in helping to make this happen.

(Photo credit: Baltimore County Government)




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