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Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger's Annual Report for 2021

January 2022

As your Congressman, I wanted to be among the first to wish you a happy, healthy new year. Despite the many and unprecedented challenges of 2021, I am proud of the best-in-the-nation constituent service and responsive legislative troubleshooting that my team and I have provided for the Second District over the last year. I encourage you to review my Annual Report for 2021, available here , to learn more about our efforts to serve you and your family. In addition to key data points and legislative highlights, this report provides a glimpse into how the work I do in Washington and throughout the district directly impacts my constituents. If you were among the 2,948 Second District residents who contacted my office for assistance, or the 32,170 phone calls, emails and letters I received in 2021, I hope I hear from you again in the coming year. If you have not yet reached out to us, please do so often. And, to stay current on issues that are facing Congress and your community, please visit my website at and sign up for my periodic e-mail newsletter. I also encourage you to follow me on Twitter .

C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger

Member of Congress


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