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June 23, 2022

There will be 3 Full week sessions. Each session will be different offering new techniques, new recipes and more.

Each Baker will receive a full bakers tool box with over 300 items to use for class and to keep and use for home. They will also receive an Apron and recipe book to save their recipes and notes. The instructors for this academy are trained certified pastry chefs , executive chefs and more. We only offer our students the best. They will learn different desserts and pastries from all over the world. Learn to bake different cakes as well as how to tort, ice, trending buttercream techniques, and how to stack and cover a cake with fondant. They will learn to do custom cookies as well. Yes that sounds like a lot but we have three weeks to learn a snippet of each task giving these Lil bakers a summer of fun and opportunity for sweet success.

We will also have field trip Fridays where we will take the Lil bakers to Stratosphere Social Session 1, Six Flags Session 2, and Hershey Park Chocolate Town Session 3. Parents and chaperones are allowed to attend as well. So if you feel like this is something your Lil baker would love to attend sign up quickly as our spots never stay open long. We also offer a sibling discount for tuition , Save $50off .

June 21, 2022

What is the new Baltimore County Police Accountability Board (PAB)?

Why should you consider serving as a member of the PAB? And if not you, please pass the suggestion along.

Dear Friends and Indivisibles.

In 2021, the Maryland General Assembly passed HB 670 mandating that local county governments convene Police Accountability Boards (PAB) by July 1, 2022 to provide an oversight role for the public into their local police departments by reviewing specific complaints arising from acts of misconduct and abuse by local officers .

The creation of a PAB in Baltimore County will mark the end of the era when “police are allowed to police themselves”. The newly established PAB will finally provide us, residents of Baltimore County, with a mandated window into the police department’s Internal Affairs investigations into officer misconduct and disciplinary outcomes.

Until now, all complaints regarding Baltimore County police interactions with the public have been handled internally and confidentially within local law enforcement entities. We as residents and taxpayers of Baltimore County, including those who have been victims of egregious police misconduct, have never before had the right or opportunity to review how internal police department investigations have been conducted or what, if any, disciplinary actions were taken as a result: the PAB lifts that veil.

The Baltimore County Coalition for Police Accountability (BCCPA) is committed to ensuring that PAB is composed of community members who are committed to the intent of this landmark state legislation: making sure that the public plays a role in understanding how police misconduct complaints are handled by their local police department.

The BCCPA is encouraging outstanding individuals, like you, to apply for a seat at this important table! You’ll find more information below. Let me know if you have any questions about the PAB and this new opportunity to serve Baltimore County.

How to Apply for Membership on the Baltimore County Police Accountability Board

Baltimore County has begun its process to establish a Police Accountability Board (PAB), as required by HB0670, the Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021. Information about the Baltimore County PAB, including the duties of the PAB, can be found on the BaltCo PAB website.

The County Executive will make appointments to the PAB per County Council Bill 24-22, passed June 6, 2022. Note: An active police officer may not be a member, and to the extent practicable, the membership must reflect the racial, gender and cultural diversity of the County.

If you are interested in serving on the PAB, please submit an online application. Lower down on the BaltCo PAB website, you will find the hyperlink to submit an online application.

This link lands on the County’s listing, in alphabetical order, of all 54 Boards and Commissions.

Scroll down to and click on “Police Accountability Board” to reveal a dropdown menu with links back to the PAB webpage and to the PAB email address,

To apply to be a member of the PAB, submit a letter of interest to that includes relevant work and life experiences. Remember that the membership of the Police Accountability Board is intended to reflect the racial, gender and cultural diversity of Baltimore County.

Please: if you are not interested in applying to be on the PAB, you might know someone who would be a good candidate. I hope you will pass this along.

Thank you.

Peta Richkus

June 15, 2022

Calling all experienced nursing professionals! Register now to attend Luminis Health's Anne Arundel Medical Center in-person Nursing Hiring Event on Wednesday, June 22nd from 4:30pm to 6pm. This is a great way to meet the recruitment team and AAMC hiring managers in person. Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about the available positions, benefits, bonuses and what it is like to work at LHAAMC. Hiring Managers are conducting interviews and making offers on the spot so bring copies of your resume!

Please make sure to apply to the positions you are interested in ahead of time at

Learn more and reserve your spot by visiting

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