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Story reprinted from Baltimore County Government

Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski today released the draft Master Plan 2030, an aspirational planning document intended to guide the County Executive, the County Council, and County departments in promoting responsible development in an equitable and environmentally sensitive manner throughout the next decade and beyond, for public review and comment.

You are encouraged to provide feedback on the draft Master Plan until Friday, April 14, and may submit feedback through an online comment form.

“Master Plan 2030 establishes a vision and sets important priorities for our rapidly growing, diverse communities and maps out a better, more equitable and more sustainable Baltimore County,” said Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski. “I thank everyone who participated in this public interactive planning process—including our team from the Department of Planning—and am confident the final plan will reflect the vision and needs of everyone who lives, works and visits Baltimore County.”

The plan released today represents the culmination of a two-year master-planning process which began in spring 2021 and included community outreach and public input phases, recommendations from local experts, stakeholders and County agencies, as well as, deliberation and coordination among numerous County agencies and Department of Planning staff. More than 50 community meetings were held with approximately 1,000 attendees and 4,000 comments and suggestions.

Public input will be considered and incorporated into a final plan, which is expected to be presented to the Baltimore County Planning Board in May 2023 before being submitted to the County Council for its consideration and anticipated final adoption in the summer of 2023.

For more information about Baltimore County Master Plan 2030, please visit .

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